"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now -- when?"


"We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time."

T.S. Eliot

People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.

St Augustine

When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Why does the mind habitually deny or resist the Now? Because it cannot function and remain in control without time, which is past and future, so it perceives the timeless Now as threatening. Time and mind are in fact inseparable.

Eckhart Tolle

There is a saying in Tibetan, "Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength." No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.

Dalai Lama

The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly - you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over

Eckhart Tolle

While still remaining who you are, you can bring about a quantum leap in your awareness, and the sign that the leap is real will be some emergent property you never experienced in the past.

Deepak Chopra

If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.

Dalai Lama

Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poets must write if they are to be ultimately at peace with themselves. What human beings can be, they must be. They must be true to their own nature. This need we may call self-actualization.


Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

Marianne Williamson

There are no perfect human beings! Persons can be found who are good, very good indeed, in fact, great. There do in fact exist creators, seers, sages, saints, shakers, and movers... And yet these very same people can at times be boring, irritating, petulant, selfish, angry, or depressed. To avoid disillusionment with human nature, we must first give up our illusions about it.


"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

Carl Jung

"Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)

Walt Whitman

Systemic Theory and Practice in Family Constellations

Level 1 2024 Online

Spanda, in association with Ochre (Ireland) is happy to offer a 6 module Online course on Systemic Theory & Practice in Family Constellations.

Course Overview


This 12 day online course consists of 6 modules x 2days each module.  (78 hours)


Schedule of Dates for 2024

Module 1:  Feb 22nd & 23rd

Module 2:  March 21st & 22nd

Module 3:  April 18th & 19th

Module 4:  May 23rd & 24th

Module 5: June 20th & 21st

Module 6: July 18th & 19st


All the dates are on a Thursday & Friday 

Timing:  11 am to 6pm Indian Standard Time (IST) with short breaks. 

It is mandatory to attend all the modules.   

Contact registration@spanda.asia for registering.  


Family Constellations

We will come together to offer this online course through Zoom in a group setting using  

human representatives,  small figures and a phenomenological approach.  This unique method of working online has been personally developed.


In constellation work you are invited to enter a “Knowing Field” –  an energetic field where everything that has been created belongs and has a place.   The ‘field’ is a place where that which has been excluded can be brought back together again,  opening the channels so love can flow. 


A broader image unfolds in the work as you see how people relate to each other while seen and unseen dynamics come to light.  These dynamics are often guided by,  what we call in 

systemic work, the principles of relationship.  


The way we belong in our family systems become very clear,  often we are connected by hidden rules,  by blind love and binding loyalties. 

We can appreciate and honour the wise adaptations of our personalities that have helped us to cope and to survive thus far so life could flow on.  Life does flow on,  but often at quite a cost.   And at the same time something happens to the flow of love!


While we journey in constellation in this way,  looking through the lens of loving, inclusive compassion, we learn without judgement, what happens when hearts and souls have had to close.  

We see how it is that we belong in the contexts we inhabit and the different loyalties between which we are divided.

We find innocence and guilt in the limitations of different levels of conscience.   

Reconciliation becomes possible between victims and perpetrators in the very act of being truly seen.  


We connect with the importance of our sense of place and our familial bonds when everything and everyone is in the right place. 

We see the consequences of how ‘blind love’ operates through compensation and identification within a family system through the open heartedness of an innocent child,


The constellation process offers a possibility to find a new understanding, a different image which can lead to a ‘Yes’ to the gift of life as it has come down to us.  Respecting the full price it cost our ancestors to pass it on to us and acknowledging the full price we paid to receive it. 


Thank you for the gift of life!


Our intention:

That this course will enable you to experience phenomenologically and learn cognitively the principles and fundamentals of systemic family constellation work.


That while your understanding expands you will start to think in a systemic way and see through a systemic lens, as you view the individual within a larger context.   It can have a deeply profound effect when you notice and feel what influences the dynamics within a family system.  


  • That in the continuum,  you experience personal growth and healing through all the           different  levels of learning offered during this course. 


  • We hope that you will learn what moves the Soul as you become more familiar with the grammar and language of the personality within the family system.  And then start the process of translating it all into the language of the Soul.


  • During our time together we will explore the unconscious intergenerational dynamics that operate in our very sacred families.    We will learn how the effects of loss, trauma and exclusion are transmitted intergenerationally,  and see how these have been experienced within our personal and cultural histories.  


  • We will also experience the great joy of connection – to be separate and connected.


  As we deepen into presence we will explore our understanding of  ‘the field’ which unfolds in constellation work,  and see what happens when we pay attention and listen to the truth of experience coming through the body. 


  We will learn to be guided by the heart and become aware of the subtle movements of the soul.   The movement from the past is into alignment with the present and agreement with all that ‘is’ just as we are, just as it is.


Contact spanda.asia@gmail.com for registering.  


Modules – an overview

Learning during each module will be offered theoretically and at an experiential level:


-Introduction to module

-Meditation/ exercises to deepen presence


-Practice: constellation work, small group work.


Module 1

Belonging:  Bringing together that which has been separated

Serving the first principle of relationship


Module 2

The balance of giving and taking:  Bonding and the limits of conscience

Serving the second principle of relationship


Module 3

Tending to the wounds of love:  The neuroscience of coping.

Leading to our compassionate self


Module 4

How love flows:  Order, things in their right place.

This serves the third principle of relationship


Module 5

Opening the heart:  The High Art of Helping


Module 6

Including everything with love:  Serving that which we all participate in.

The Greater Soul”


And so much more!


Before the course concludes you will be asked to write a reflective essay which serves to integrate your learning and experience.


After meeting the criteria for course completion, you will receive a certificate of completion from Colette Green, Ochre  &  Annie Cariapa, Spanda.


After completion of  ‘Systemic Theory & Practice in Family Constellations’ Level 1, a further    Level 2 course is offered for those who want to to build skills in facilitation of constellations. 


Cost: If remittance is from within Karnataka

Please enquire at registration@ spanda.asia /    spanda.asia@gmail.com 


Cost: If remittance is from states outside Karnataka

Please enquire at  registration@ spanda.asia /    spanda.asia@gmail.com


Cost: If remittance is from countries outside India

Please enquire at   registration@ spanda.asia /  spanda.asia@gmail.com

Faculty guiding the course

Colette  Green MA , IAHIP MIP

Colette is a psychotherapist and organizational consultant, She works as a trainer and supervisor and has been working with groups and individuals for over 28 years in England, New Zealand, Ireland and India. 


She trained  with Bert at Pichl Austria and Bad Reichenhall in Germany, at the Hellinger Institute of Britain, with Hunter Beaumont and faculty at Zist and Cloister Bernried in Germany and also with Stephan Hausner in Germany.  Her training in organizational constellation work was at the Bert Hellinger institute of the Netherlands with Jan Jacob Stam and Bibi Schreuder.


Colette runs Systemic Constellation workshops based on the work of Bert Hellinger and has followed all the many developments within the field of constellation work. She is interested in intergenerational dynamics and the transmission of trauma.  

Her research area is ‘addiction’ and the early childhood experience of addicts.  She writes articles and short stories and serves on the editorial team of ‘The Knowing Field’ International English language Constellations Journal. 

Colette has taught on the H Dip in Psychodynamic Studies, the Masters in Integrative           Psychotherapy and the Masters in Social work at University College Cork, Ireland. 

Colette has always had a great love of horses and nature, a certified equine assisted psychotherapist with Eagala USA  she offers psychotherapy, supervision and constellation work with horses  


Co-founder of Ochre : www.ochre.ie  with her husband Sebastian.  They work separately and together to enhance relationship, development and change.  Ochre is absolutely delighted to be working in association with Spanda in India after an association with India which spans over 40 years.


Annie Cariapa is the founder of Spanda.  She has trained with Bert Hellinger in Bad Reichenhall and holds a Hellinger Sciencia diploma in Family Constellation & Movement of the Spirit Mind.  Annie has further gathered her training in Cloister Bernreid, Germany over several  years with Hunter Beaumont and multiple senior faculty.  She has also had intensive trainings with Stephan Hausner in Germany and Albrecht Mahr in Ireland.   Annie has a particular interest in Family System Constellations and neuroscience.   With the onset of the pandemic situation, she has also developed a unique model of working online.  

Annie is a supervising Transactional Analyst.  Having previously run training courses in TA, her focus is now on supervising therapists in order to support their work and enhance their skills.


Annie has worked in the field of counselling  & psychotherapy for the past 20 years.  She uses an integrated approach.  She weaves together the intricacies of Transactional Analysis (TA), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Systemic constellation, Hypnotherapy, Body work, an understanding of neuroscience and related modalities in the process of developing wellness, harmony and balance. 

Annie says, “My work has been deeply influenced, not only by my life and work experiences, but also by my years as a farmer practicing sustainable organic farming.  Exploring the analogy, sustainable farming is about finding a balance and about working with both what is healthy and unhealthy, with growth promoters and growth retardants – with life as it is.

The fruit of this way of living is that of flowing with natural energies and of being in harmony.

I believe that balance and centredness within our being can only be achieved by bringing harmony to the indivisible body, mind and soul that is guided by a greater power.”

Holistic wellness and healing takes place when we bring back the balance, transcending our entanglements and moving beyond blame to an agreement with life as it is.”  Web: www.spanda.asia


Rekha Kurup practices as a Systemic Integrative trauma-informed helper, teacher, and guide based out of Bangalore. She sees herself in a continuous flow of learning and growing. She has  over two decades of experience in facilitating safe, open, compassionate healing spaces that support individuals, and groups to explore, express, experience, and embody the truth of Who They Are, and Return to Wholeness. 

Rekha is a Family Constellation practitioner trained within the Spanda-Ochre lineage. Recently she got certified in the Compassionate Inquiry practice of Dr Gabor Mate. She is also, trained in using Expressive Arts in therapy, EFT, Yoga, Jhin Shin Jyutse, Women’s Spirituality, Flow Game, and various other trauma therapies. 

Rekha brings a wide range of Teaching, Learning, and Awakening opportunities through her initiatives of She Stands Tall Project and Ordinary Human Project. 

Rekha loves to paint, travel, create, and write. Her knowing field is guided by her deep devotion to Nature, Life, and Consciousness. Her Website: https://www.rekhakurup.com


Our gratitude to Bert Hellinger  for Hellinger Sciencia, the scientia universalis, which is the gift that goes far beyond the self.  In this work in India, we have received the personal blessings of Bert and Sophie Hellinger and we continue to feel supported by what has been passed on.


We have been blessed by many wonderful teachers & students.  Thank you.

With humility, we all play a part in the emerging Constellation work in India and 



For registrations and booking your place in the course

Contact registration@spanda.asia / spanda.asia@gmail.com

Faculty guiding the course

Colette  Green MA , IAHIP MIP

Colette is a psychotherapist and organizational consultant, She works as a trainer and supervisor and has been working with groups and individuals for over 28 years in England, New Zealand, Ireland and India. 

She trained  with Bert at Pichl Austria and Bad Reichenhall in Germany, at the Hellinger Institute of Britain, with Hunter Beaumont and faculty at Zist and Cloister Bernried in Germany and also with Stephan Hausner in Germany.  Her training in organizational constellation work was at the Bert Hellinger institute of the Netherlands with Jan Jacob Stam and Bibi Schreuder.

Colette runs Systemic Constellation workshops based on the work of Bert Hellinger and has followed all the many developments within the field of constellation work. She is interested in intergenerational dynamics and the transmission of trauma.  

Her research area is ‘addiction’ and the early childhood experience of addicts.  She writes articles and short stories and serves on the editorial team of ‘The Knowing Field’ International English language Constellations Journal. 

Colette has taught on the H Dip in Psychodynamic Studies, the Masters in Integrative           Psychotherapy and the Masters in Social work at University College Cork, Ireland. 

Colette has always had a great love of horses and nature, a certified equine assisted psychotherapist with Eagala USA  she offers psychotherapy, supervision and constellation work with horses  

Co-founder of Ochre : www.ochre.ie  with her husband Sebastian.  They work separately and together to enhance relationship, development and change.  Ochre is absolutely delighted to be working in association with Spanda in India after an association with India which spans over 40 years.


Annie Cariapa is the founder of Spanda.  She has trained with Bert Hellinger in Bad Reichenhall and holds a Hellinger Sciencia diploma in Family Constellation & Movement of the Spirit Mind.  Annie has further gathered her training in Cloister Bernreid, Germany over several  years with Hunter Beaumont and multiple senior faculty.  She has also had intensive trainings with Stephan Hausner in Germany and Albrecht Mahr in Ireland.   Annie has a particular interest in Family System Constellations and neuroscience.   With the onset of the pandemic situation, she has also developed a unique model of working online.  

Annie is a supervising Transactional Analyst.  Having previously run training courses in TA, her focus is now on supervising therapists in order to support their work and enhance their skills.

Annie has worked in the field of counselling  & psychotherapy for the past 20 years.  She uses an integrated approach.  She weaves together the intricacies of Transactional Analysis (TA), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Systemic constellation, Hypnotherapy, Body work, an understanding of neuroscience and related modalities in the process of developing wellness, harmony and balance. 

Annie says, “My work has been deeply influenced, not only by my life and work experiences, but also by my years as a farmer practicing sustainable organic farming.  Exploring the analogy, sustainable farming is about finding a balance and about working with both what is healthy and unhealthy, with growth promoters and growth retardants – with life as it is.

The fruit of this way of living is that of flowing with natural energies and of being in harmony.

I believe that balance and centredness within our being can only be achieved by bringing harmony to the indivisible body, mind and soul that is guided by a greater power.”

Holistic wellness and healing takes place when we bring back the balance, transcending our entanglements and moving beyond blame to an agreement with life as it is.”  Web: www.spanda.asia


Rekha Kurup practices as a Systemic Integrative trauma-informed helper, teacher, and guide based out of Bangalore. She sees herself in a continuous flow of learning and growing. She has  over two decades of experience in facilitating safe, open, compassionate healing spaces that support individuals, and groups to explore, express, experience, and embody the truth of Who They Are, and Return to Wholeness. 

Rekha is a Family Constellation practitioner trained within the Spanda-Ochre lineage. Recently she got certified in the Compassionate Inquiry practice of Dr Gabor Mate. She is also, trained in using Expressive Arts in therapy, EFT, Yoga, Jhin Shin Jyutse, Women’s Spirituality, Flow Game, and various other trauma therapies. 

Rekha brings a wide range of Teaching, Learning, and Awakening opportunities through her initiatives of She Stands Tall Project and Ordinary Human Project. 

Rekha loves to paint, travel, create, and write. Her knowing field is guided by her deep devotion to Nature, Life, and Consciousness. Her Website: https://www.rekhakurup.com


Our gratitude to Bert Hellinger  for Hellinger Sciencia, the scientia universalis, which is the gift that goes far beyond the self.  In this work in India, we have received the personal blessings of Bert and Sophie Hellinger and we continue to feel supported by what has been passed on.

We have been blessed by many wonderful teachers & students.  Thank you.

With humility, we all play a part in the emerging Constellation work in India and internationally.


For registrations and booking your place in the course

Contact registration@spanda.asia / spanda.asia@gmail.com